Run, Maintained by volunteers
Run, Maintained by volunteers
The Portishead Christmas Lights now represent a ‘Golden Mile’ of festive illumination: through the High Street and now extends up West Hill and through the Waitrose Piazza. The funding for this is achieved via a grant from Portishead Town Council that equates to circa 40% -45% of our funding the rest is secured via donation and sponsorship. In recent years we have seen a steady increase in our operational cost driven in part by the cost-of-living increases but also by significant changes in regulation. This has resulted in a gap in our finances that we are looking to fill through increased sponsorship. So, in an attempt to increase our sponsorship and be a little more transparent, we are introducing a tiered sponsorship approach. .
The above is our tiered sponsorship levels. Our aim is to have a tierl to suit all budgets. If you would like to be come a sponsor, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page. Thank you.
This is where we would ask you to purchase the materials for us. These directly equate to a sponsorship category, if you sponsor these projects you will be directly attributed to them and thanked in addition to the category benefits detailed above.
Portishead, Bristol, North Somerset, England, United Kingdo
Thank you for thinking of becoming a sponsor. Please fill out you details and state which sponsor band you are considering (gold,sliver or bronze) and hit the send button.
Our treasure will be touch soon after. Many thank
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